Todos possuem referencias, então não será um problema se pedirem as fontes
1. Capacete de Deus, eis o vídeo Clique Aqui, e as referências acadêmicas:
Dr. Michael Persinger Clique Aqui
Mathew Alper. The "God" Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God, Sourcebooks, Illinois, 2008.
M.A. Persinger et all. Correlated cerebral events between physically and sensory isolated pairs of subjects exposed to yoked circumcerebral magnetic fields, Neuroscience Letters V.486, 3, 17 December 2010.
1. Capacete de Deus, eis o vídeo Clique Aqui, e as referências acadêmicas:
Dr. Michael Persinger Clique Aqui
Mathew Alper. The "God" Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God, Sourcebooks, Illinois, 2008.
M.A. Persinger et all. Correlated cerebral events between physically and sensory isolated pairs of subjects exposed to yoked circumcerebral magnetic fields, Neuroscience Letters V.486, 3, 17 December 2010.
- Persinger, Michael (1974). ELF and VLF electromagnetic field effects. New York: Plenum Press. ISBN 978-0-306-30826-0.
- Persinger, Michael (1974). The paranormal. New York: MSS Information Corp. ISBN 978-0-8422-5212-6.
- Persinger, Michael (1977). Space-time transients and unusual events. Chicago: Nelson-Hall. ISBN 978-0-88229-334-9.
- Persinger, Michael (1980). The weather matrix and human behavior. New York: Praeger. ISBN 978-0-03-057731-4.
- Persinger, Michael (1980). TM and Cult Mania. North Quincy Mass.: Christopher Pub. House. ISBN 978-0-8158-0392-8.
- Persinger, Michael (1987). Neuropsychological bases of God beliefs. Westport: Praeger. ISBN 978-0-275-92648-9.
- Persinger, Michael (1988). Climate, buildings and behaviour. Winnipeg: Institute of Winnipeg. ISBN 978-0-920213-60-5.
2. Jennifer Whitson é psicóloga da universidade do Texas em Austin.
A psicóloga Jennifer Whitson, da Universidade do Texas, em Austin, pesquisando sobre o que leva uma pessoa a interpretar certos fatos como intervenção divina enquanto outra pessoa os interpretam como obra do acaso, descobre, através de um experimento, que a sensação de não ter controle sobre o ambiente obriga o instinto a encontrar nas coisas algum sentido, ainda que falso, e, assim, a interpretar os
C. Wang, Jennifer Whitson, and T. Menon. Culture, control, and illusory pattern perception. Social, Psychological and Personality Science, forthcoming.
Adam D. Galinsky, Cynthia S. Wang, Jennifer Whitson, Eric M. Anicich, Kurt Hugenberg, and Galen V. Bodenhausens. 2013. The Reappropriation of Stigmatizing Labels: The Reciprocal Relationship Between Power and Self-Labeling. Psychological Science 24(10), 2020-2029. |
Adam D. Galinsky, Jennifer Whitson, Li Huang, and Derek D. Rucker. 2012. Not So Fluid and Not So Meaningful: Toward an Appreciation of Content-Specific Compensation. Psychological Inquiry 23(4), 339-345. |
Denise Loyd, Katherine Phillips, Jennifer Whitson, and Melissa Thomas-Hunt. 2010. Expertise in your midst: How congruence between status and speech style affects reactions to unique knowledge.Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 13(3), 379-395. |
A. Kay, Jennifer Whitson, and A. Galinsky. 2009. Compensatory Control: In the Mind, in our Institutions, and in the Heavens. Current Directions in Psychological Science 18(5), 264-268. |
Jennifer Whitson and A. Galinsky. 2008. Lacking Control Increases Illusory Pattern Perception. Science322(115), 115-117. |
Adam D. Galinsky, Joe C. Magee, Deborah H. Gruenfeld, Jennifer Whitson, and Katie A. Liljenquist. 2008. Power Reduces the Press of the Situation: Implications for Creativity, Conformity, and Dissonance. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 95, 1450-1466. |
Best Student Paper, MOC Division, Academy of Management Conference | 2006 |
3. Psicólogo Bruce Hood
- Supersense: Why We believe in the Unbelievable, Harper One, 2009
4. Neurologista Olaf Blanke
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